Kaelin kicks from the goal box against Las Cruces
Kaelin again, penalty kick against Onate
Kaelin and Liz get ready for homecoming.
Fungus of the month -- 'False Puffball' that Cindy found under a bucket.
Nick sweeps the right end. He played for LaPlata Middle School
this year. - next year high school...
Ty, Nick, and Kaelin carving.
The results...Cindy holds our black cat, Swish.
We went to Oregon to see Amber. She had organized a trip to the
coast for the International
dorm. So we tagged along. The weather cooperated.
There was some rain. This was at the dunes by Coos Bay.
We stayed in Bandon. Note some blue sky.
Amber checks out the crab nets.
Fall colors were still happening.
Back in the dorm.